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The nearest airport for those planning to fly to the conference is Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). It’s located about 30 minutes away from UNC, so visitors can utilize a shuttle service, rideshare company, or take the bus line.

If flights are not available from your location to RDU or not reasonable, flying to Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) can be considered. There is a three hour train from Charlotte to Durham (~30 minutes from Chapel Hill) which runs frequently.


We are working with the UNC student accommodation office to make available a substantial block of student dormitory rooms at a price that will be well below the prices of local hotels. Full details will be made available on the registration page.

For those who prefer to stay in a hotel, some recommended nearby hotels include:


Best bet for parking is on the big Chapel Hill town Parking decks on Franklin street including the Rosemary/Columbia parking lot, and the Wallace parking deck. There is also (paid) street parking. See the town parking website for more info on the various parking options near Franklin street.


Screenshot of Google maps shows the location of some of the parking and hotel options close to campus